A Pro's Guide To R For Business Building
R is a powerful level up for your predictive analytics toolset. In this course, you'll learn just enough R to leverage it as a competitive advantage for yourself and your team.
Where R came from and why you should care
Where Excel stops and R begins
What R does best
What R doesn't Do
The career value of learning R
Finding the right R package
Investigating packages for problem/question fit
Implementing the package you have chosen
A few examples of frequently used packages
The power (and tedium) of cleaning your data
Terminology differences between statistics and computer/data science
My average day on the job
Marketing use cases for R
Diving into specific models
Getting a lot of power out of a little experience
Concept of a decision tree - surviving the Titanic
A worked example: solving a regression problem
A worked example: taking model training to the next level
When your Stack Overflows
The power and potential of CLV
Data input requirements
A worked example: predicting the net present value of each customer - the BTYD R package
A worked example: walkthrough of BTYD R package
A worked example: Base R vs Tidyverse
A note on what to do with larger and smaller companies
Case Study/Story - “win-back” returns
Who’s talking about analytics these days?
Coming in as a consultant
Navigating a career in data analytics
What's next?